Dr. Elizabeth Cannon and Alice Reimer and Receive CIWB Awards

Congratulations Dr. Elizabeth Cannon and Alice Reimer!

We don’t usually pop into your inboxes to celebrate our own, but this week we’re so bursting with pride we simply can’t help ourselves.

This evening, The51’s own Alice Reimer (Co-founder and Director) and Dr. Elizabeth Cannon (The51 Venture Fund I Investor and General Partner Advisory Committee member) received awards at Axis Connect’s Calgary Influential Women in Business Awards. We are exceedingly proud of the achievements of these two important women in our community and thrilled to second this recognition. 


Alice Reimer: Small and Medium Enterprise 🏆

If you’ve never met Alice, you’re missing out. Full stop.

Alice Reimer is a successful technology entrepreneur and dedicated community leader and mentor. In addition to her work with The51 she is currently the CEO of Fillip, a fintech start-up leading digital transformation in the small business fuel card industry, as well as the Site Lead of Creative Destruction Lab Rockies. 

Alice has spent her career accelerating technology companies with the potential to transform the world’s social, industrial, and economic landscape. She serves on the board of Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund, Syantra Diagnostics Inc. and is the former Board Chair of Startup Calgary and The A100.

WAY TO GO, ALICE!! We know you probably find this call-out embarrassing and unnecessary but we simply must take our hats off to you this time. You inspire us all.


Dr. Elizabeth Cannon: Lifetime Achievement 🏆

Dr. Elizabeth Cannon is an expert in Geomatics Engineering and President Emerita of the University of Calgary. She served as the university's eighth president and vice-chancellor, the first alumna to hold that position. 

Prior to her appointment as president, Cannon was the dean of the Schulich School of Engineering. Her research has been on the forefront of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) since 1984 and she has commercialized technology to over 200 agencies worldwide. She previously held the NSERC/Petro-Canada Chair for Women in Science and Engineering for the Prairie Region. 

Her support for advancing women has spanned decades and taken many forms including raising public awareness about science and engineering careers for women and developing programs to encourage women to explore careers in STEM fields (Women in STEM), mentoring programs and as a community role model. She is a business leader, independent board member and vested in Calgary’s economic diversification.

CONGRATULATIONS, Elizabeth! We are so fortunate you are part of our community and honoured to have you as a leader within our investor community.


The Calgary Influential Women in Business Awards was established to champion the women (and men) in Calgary who have achieved professional excellence while also championing diverse leadership in our community. Through their leadership and influence on Calgary’s corporations and boards they provide advice and counsel on strategy, policy and profitability that benefit some of Canada’s largest companies. These honourees have used their influence to advance women and diversity in Calgary.

This year, the Selection and Advisory Committee was overwhelmed by the amazing nominations. Now, more than ever, the recognition of women’s contributions to Calgary’s economic recovery is paramount to advance Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

Congratulations again to Alice and Elizabeth! 

- The51 Team

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