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INTERFACE Women’s Health Summit 2022
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INTERFACE Women’s Health Summit 2022

Host: Interface Health
Where: Online
When: Wednesday, June 22, 2022 | 10:00 AM MST / 9:00 AM PST
For: Everyone

Find out more HERE
This annual virtual conference is designed to give women a stronger voice in healthcare and digital health innovation and empower them to lead and drive the changes needed to create a better world.

This year’s theme is EQUAL ACCESS. Access to new ideas, research, education, healthcare, investment, equality, sustainability, justice and more. INTERFACE Women’s Health Summit 2022 will provide a virtual global stage for the women who inspire us with their resilience, creativity and capacity to be leaders, care givers, entrepreneurs, investors and agents of change.

Shelley Kuipers will be speaking alongside some incredible women at the Access to Money, Money, Money roundtable, make sure you don’t miss this!